Sunday, September 18, 2011

BRICS meet in washington for Eurozone Crisis

We recently came to know that the meeting in Poland of 17 EU nations, has not yielded desired results.Germany and its friends are adamant on strong austerity measures to be implemented before funds are cleared.They were unhappy in which US tried to dictate them into managing the crisis, as United States itself suffers from huge debt and has certainly failed to curb it.
 Second round of bailout funds are still to be given to Greece as ,they wait for Greece to make structural changes in it system.
Against this backdrop we have another meeting, this time lined up in Washington,where leaders from Brazil,Russia,India,China and South Africa meet to find out ways to help Europe arrange  bailout funds for Portugal,Italy,Ireland,Greece & Spain.
Statistics for Comparison of Economic performance.
Since BRIC are part of G20, they feel its time they help their international counterparts.Apparently few Bric nations are sceptical as some hardly have any exposure in PIIGS,though they might just buy more European bonds.China is being looked upon,however it will certainly try to extract concessions for its help.We already are aware what Chinese are capable once they get the exposure and entry in any market!

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